Fee's & Charges


Fee's & Charges

Fees, Rates, and Charges


Deposit Fee

This fee is curated after the menu has been chosen, it is used to secure the date and depending on what menu items are chosen to purchase all food items, which is separate from the other costs. This fee is also a 25-40%, non-refundable deposit to secure the services unless there are issues on our behalf. The deposit is to be made at least 3 weeks prior to the event date.

Service Fee

For events with over 20 attendees, there is a flat service fee of $120 (not including the deposit). This fee also includes set-up and breakdown/clean-up. This fee is put in place to ensure that the extra help/servers are guaranteed a percentage of compensation.


Travel Fee

We are happy to bring our great food and service to our customers all

over the region. When traveling outside of our immediate area (15

miles), travel fees are applied as follows:

  • Delivery - $1.25 / mile over 15 miles (one way) will be added to

the regular delivery cost.

  • Full-service catering - $0.62 / mile over 15 miles (one way) per

staff member and $0.62 / mile over 15 miles (one way) per vehicle.


Late Fee

Is your event last minute? Unfortunately, there would be a $150 fee due to late notices. We recommend booking within 10 days ahead of your expected catering date BUT it is perfectly fine! If we are able to do it, my staff & I will ensure that it will get done.